About The Warrior Event

Your one-day, ready-made women's retreat designed to equip and empower the woman warrior to face and overcome their everyday battle.

The Warrior Event is a Christ-focused, Holy Spirit-empowered one-day Christian women's retreat for every woman…daughters of the Living God empowered by the Holy Spirit to change their homes, churches, communities and the world.

Hosted in partnership with Encouragement Cafe, The Warrior Event is a time of prayer, teaching, fellowship, and worship featuring Natasha Owens, and special guest speakers and artists as we embrace the command of Ephesians 6:10-18 to put on the full armor of God as warriors in Christ.

A Warrior

  • A Warrior stands up and help lead others into battle. 

  • A Warrior may be weak, they may be scarred and scared, but they don’t hesitate to stand up and fight because they know God is going to be with them. 

  • A Warrior wakes up every morning prepared for battle, waging the war against sin and death so that all might come to life in Christ.

  • A Warrior is Fearless.

  • A Warrior’s victories may go unnoticed by the world.

  • A Warrior wields the weapons of truth, prayer, and love.